Tips for Setting Better Goals

Ready to make 2021 your best year yet? Our very own Stephanie Cheng, Product Engineer shared her advice for setting good goals with PowerToFly.

Stephanie Cheng, Product Engineer

What’s the best lesson you’ve learned throughout your career about goal setting?

One lesson I've learned is that the process of working toward a goal is often more important than achieving the goal itself. The shape or timeline of your goal can change as long as you check in with yourself and continue to consistently work toward them. It's okay if you don’t achieve your goal on the first try. Working toward goals is really about building the muscle memory to form slightly better habits each year. With consistency, patience, and positivity you can build the tools you need to succeed. I’ve also found that sharing my goals with the people around me (managers, friends, and family) keeps me accountable and empowers them to help me achieve my ambitions and celebrate successes.

Original PowerToFly Article: We asked 30+ women how you can make 2021 your best year yet.